
Touching nature touches us all, it is a bio-phillic response.

A bio-phillic response is our innate connection and joyful response to being in the presence of nature.

I grew up in parts of Brooklyn, Flatbush and Coney Island, that were both “green” and bio-phillically deprived.

Trips to the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens were magical journeys during my childhood.

Later on, I became a practicing architect, but my work took me to designing children’s museum exhibitions and eventually…the children’s gardens and exhibitions for the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens.  

My designs were simply tapping into the magic that I had originally experienced as a child.  

I earned a certificate in Buddhist Contemplative Psychotherapy (Nalanda Institute, NYC 2017) . and simultaneously,  entered the Horticultural Therapy Program at the New York Botanic Garden (NYBG 2022).  They overlapped in understanding the power of a meditative, soft focus on the beauty of the present moment in front of us. Empathy, compassion, and the understanding of what it feels like to have your world lose it’s underfooting and stability.

Along with all this, my father developed Alzheimer’s and we lived with his alzheimer’s for 10 years. Through these experiences, it has become my mission and passion to bring joy, awe, and calm to people living with dementia and their care-givers.